I was so excited to make things during my pregnancy, that I now realize (1 month post delivery) that I overcomitted myself to projects. I thought my newly slightly sedentary life would be a great opportunity to sew a bunch of things. But I honestly didn't anticipate how tired I was--especially toward the end--and frankly didn't need the things I was going to make as badly as I thought.

Half-done pregnant project #2: Tankini Bathing Suit Top (modified for maternity)
Before getting pregant, I was running 3 miles a day and running around like a crazy person all the time. Since I literally am that person that is able to trip while walking in a flat open lot, I figured it would be best for me to start swimming again since my risk of injury would be lower (and I figured the weightlessness of water would be awesome later on, which it was). Once I started to show, I was self-concious of wearing a bikini top and then I started to worry about putting on a racing suit (the only one pieces I own) in a wet locker room, so I decided I needed a tankini top to go with my black bikini bottoms. After spending about 4 hours modifying a free pattern I found on BurdaStyle (http://www.burdastyle.com/patterns/alison) with my friend Anna, and cutting out my $2/yard fabric from Jo-Mar, I again got about halfway through sewing when my very best friend gave me a small haul of her maternity duds--including a tankini top! It wasn't the best fit, but it worked for the 3 times I actually made it to the pool...
No picture of this one, because I can't even find it in my cabinet!
Half-done pregnant project #3: Vintage Pattern Cape-Style Coat

Half-done pregnant project #4: Bassinet for Baby
I'm not sure that this one can qualify as even halfway done! While I fully suppor the idea of "co-sleeping" (or sharing your bed with your infant) for the ease of feedings, etc., I have a hard enough time sharing my bed with my fully-grown husband, who I can't roll over on top of, smother in his sleep inadvertantly, and who doesn't make weird little grunts that wake me up every 20 minutes. My compromise was to make a quickie bassinet that would fit perfectly on my large nightstand. I have a large basket, some thick, firm foam for a matress, and quilting cotton to line to sides in addition to a lot of fun cotton fabrics to decorate with. This idea never even made it near a measuring tape! Which is a shame, since it really would have been perfect for the first month when he would have fit into the basket well (now it might be a bit small).
So what did I learn here? A few things:
1. If you're planning to get pregant (we weren't), it's good to start your pregancy projects then instead of waiting until the baby is on its way.
2. If you're already pregant, don't bit off more than you can chew--you're going to have a lot of other more important things to figure out in the coming months.
3. I really hate to say this one, but, maybe you should just buy it. The urgency with which I felt I had to make these projects took some of the fun out of making them, which is probably why I abandoned a few.
Hopefully in the next few months (or years), I can redeem myself by finishing these guys up!
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