Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Goals Update: Intent is key

On the path to better communication, I've been in search of snippets of wisdom.  This week, one came in the form of a tweet from a man after my heart with his Twitter handle (@recoveringengineer).

Paired with a news spot I heard on NPR on the way into work the same morning, I realized I have been taking my partner, my friends & family, and most likely many of my co-workers for granted when it comes to communication.

Throw in an email chain earlier this week with one of my besties in which we're scheduling an activity to do together on completely different weekends, and I'm going to make a sub-goal #6 on better expressing my curiosity:

I'm going to be more clear in the intent of my curiosity.

Rather than just assuming that those with whom I'm communicating know my goals, I'm going to tell them.  I'm a very process-driven individual, so knowing where we're going before we get in the car is REALLY helpful for me--it'll be interesting to see how this works with others who are less-so.  So here we go:

My intent with this change in communication style is share my ideas in a more succinct and less confusing manner in order to maximize collaboration and good-will while minimizing frustration for all parties concerned.

How do you all communicate effectively? What kinds of "rules" might you have given yourself to become a better communicator?

I'll keep you posted on my progress, so please let me know if this is helping you, too!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Goals Update: I actually RAN!

For months I've been lamenting the fact that I haven't been out running.  With less than 4 weeks to my second 5K of the year, I decided I have to get serious about this.

This morning, I packed away all my excuses and got out of bed at the first alarm (640am) to put on some running tights and go running.

My expectations were pretty low--especially since I was told to take a dog with me--but I'm actually kind of proud of how I did.  With the exception of a brief stop for the previously mentioned dog to use some facilities, I ran the whole time, wasn't winded until the very end, and kept a pretty good pace as I was home in less than 15 minutes.

I was surprised at the amount of outside activity in my neighborhood in the morning, and at how much friendlier people are in the morning vs. the evening, especially since I had a pitbull at my side.  I guess not everyone could stay in bed all day like our family.

If you're looking for some running inspiration, check out my friend's blog, Vito Runs 365.  After a pretty annoying and goal-killing Achilles issue, he's finally up and running again and his enthusiasm is pretty contagious.  Oh, and I'm stealing his run summary...Thanks, Chris!

Day 1: 1.1 miles, 18:41 (Weather: Clear, 56 degrees)